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Turning Waste into Industrial Strength


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Molecular structure of chemical compounds and organic chemistry concept with educational p


We will begin production of cellulosic (2G) ethanol for the Government of India using advanced biofractionation technology developed in India, from 2024. 

Banana leaves contain an antioxidant called polyphenols, as well as lignin, hemicellulose,
Green Plant sprout on soil with Cogwheels. Blue light and Technology background. Biotechno


Tirhuta Urja Udyog Pvt Ltd is a biotechnology group based in Mumbai. We use technology to turn agricultural waste, low-value agricultural by-products and low-demand energy crops into fuels, pharmaceutical chemicals and industrial inputs to cleanly power India's economic development. 


We have a xylitol production facility coming up in Dudapur, Gujarat which will begin operations in Q1 2023 and a biorefinery near Mandvi, Gujarat producing ethanol, xylitol and lignin that will begin production in Q4 2024. 

We have begun accepting pre-sales orders for xylitol from our Dudapur facility. Contact us to get your xylitol samples today! 




To partner with Tirhuta and to have your company's xylitol requirements met, please call +91 9987742788 or fill out the following form.

Contact Us

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To apply for a job with Tirhuta, please send the following to:;

1. your CV, one page long only.

2. an explanation of the sort of roles you are looking to fill, and how your past experience relates to the same (one paragraph total). 

Any job postings will only be on Linkedin at our official company page. 

© 2022 by Tirhuta Urja Udyog Pvt Ltd

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